Non-Traditional Online Students
This was a project for Electronic Word English Class at Eastern Oregon University. It is a great example of what can be done with VoiceThread for distance learning students. Both students that worked on the project live in different states.
The project consisted of a survey given to 55 online students at EOU to determine commonalities, statistics, and specific feedback. The results were presented in this VoiceThread.
We mapped out the project based on feedback from a student survey that we sent out to online students who attend our college. Once the outline was complete, a script was made that included student quotes. A presentation was created in Powerpoint with uploaded video and audio clips.
The assignment was a project for our Electronic Word class in which we had to use an electronic format for our presentation.
We used Powerpoint and also video and audio tools.
It took quite a bit of pre-planning to set up the presentation and then to delegate work. Once delegations were made, we each went to work developing our part of the VoiceThread. It was great for collaboration.
It was just the two of us that created this project, but it could easily be used for a larger group.